Before purchasing Social Regulator services, read this agreement carefully. Social Regulator may change
its Terms and conditions any time as it has the whole right. The terms and condition are given below:
- Website Use: Social Regulator possess full intellectual property right to all contents, logos, icons, images, visual elements on the website. Without authorization by Social Regulator, this information may not be copied, distributed, transmitted or altered.
- Copyright: U.S. and the foreign copyright laws protect the content and website. Social Regulator uses the information authorized by copyright owner.
- Disclaimer: Social Regulator will not be responsible for any kind of damages of you or your business. The company makes any kind of warranty outside of limitations for the service that we provides to you. Since we deliver our work through internet, it may be late for technical problems.
- Limitations: Social Regulator reserves client’s all of the data. If accidentally client’s data can remove, this company will not liable for it. It has to bear entirely of client’s own responsibilities.
- Refund policy: We refund money to our customers in the case of failing to provide service. But if you change your username or profile URLs and your likes or followers are gone automatically (what you had before buying from us), we will not replace it. We will also not replace service that you have purchased
service from other suppliers. We do not also receive any claims for losing service such as likes or followers by other suppliers too. Please, do not open any disputes without our permission as your bank is always in our favor. If you will dispute or chargeback against us, we will close your account and ban your computer IP address, as well as your page/profile, which will be reported to the social media site. If you face any kind of problem, then contact us immediately.
- Delivery Policy: Every service which is given in our price table, it indicates you how much time it will take delivery. When you give us order, it will be pending. After that, we will accept your order and progress it within 1-6 hours. If we face any problem with your order, we will hold order. And then we will send an email to you for solving the problem. After solving the problem, you have to confirm with us. Then we start your order. When we complete your order, we give you a mail that your order is completed.
- Replacement warranty: Our followers, likes, shares, views, retweets, repins, ratings, and reposts are not dropping. But if you lose any number of likes/followers or other services. Please notify us in 30 days from the order completed date.
- Social Media Accounts: Though your account or video do not ban by our service if it happens we are not reliable for it. However, we never get any claims from any customer’s yet.
- Correction of error: Social regulator totally reserves legal right to correct or update any of its content. We can update the Terms of Service or update the content without giving prior notice.
- Termination of service: The terms and condition will start from the time you give us order and it will terminate when you order is completed.
These terms and conditions have last updated on Jun, 2021.